I am a postdoc from School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University. I finished my Ph.D.study in the Department of Earth Observation Science, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation(ITC), University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. I completed my Master’s degree with the Urban Forest Research Group, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019. Prior to that, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from the School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University in 2016. Though I initially dreamed of traveling, I eventually became immersed in technical pursuits. My research interests span GIS, Remote Sensing, Ecology, Urban Studies, and Health Geography. In 2013, I co-founded an academic journal for undergraduates titled “The Geographical Tribune of Youth” with my partners, although it eventually ceased publication. I am an avid user of Github, R, Python and Data Science. Badminton is my favorite sport, and I am a passionate fan of basketball (especially Kobe Bryant) and tennis (especially Roger Federer). Occasionally, I develop software to enhance my productivity.
E-mail: dsq1993qingge@163.com。
幕晓燕: Esri中国工程师,写了非常多GIS相关的博客。
虾神: Esri中国政府行业技术部高级产品咨询师,白话空间统计作者。虾神属于那种能把GIS讲得跟段子一样好的人。
谢益辉: 统计之都与R语言会议创始人,Rstudio工程师,许多知名R包的开发者。
魄皇: 热带地区WebGIS, PostGIS大佬,不敢望其项背。
晃晃: 高中死党,C++大佬,专注视频和图像识别。
ISLE: 由我导创立的空间全生命周期健康国际研究中心(团队主页)。
AI4City Lab: 我师兄在香港科技大学(广州)的课题组。
ArcGIS 知乎: Esri中国创办的,面向广大GISer的知识分享和问答平台,有大量的Esri公司技术人员潜伏其中。
北京城市实验室BCL: 国内定量城市研究探究的先驱。
CEADs数据库: 中国多部门碳排放数据库
城市数据派: 专业的城市大数据媒体和知识服务平台
国匠城: 规划行业交流平台
麻辣GIS: 国内比较活跃的GIS社区。
统计之都: 国内的统计学网站先驱
微软亚洲研究院城市计算主页: 微软亚洲研究院城市计算研究组主页,城市计算的鼻祖。
Geoda Center: 空间计量回归模型研究组主页,Moran的鼻祖。