Built environments and obesity: A framework considering residences, commute routes, and workplaces

The built environment is a significant contributor to obesity, but previous studies have focused more on the built environment at residential areas, ignoring that at other geographical contexts. This study introduces an innovative framework to …

Toward 3D hedonic price model for vertically developed cities using street view images and machine learning methods

we condcut developed a 3D hedonic price model for vertically developed cities using street view images and machine learning methods.

Exploring the impact factors of uncertainties for urban carbon dioxide, a case of Jinjiang, Quanzhou, China

To introduce the how to explore the impact factors of uncertainties for urban carbon dioxide.

Development of the frequently used built environmental auditing and simulation tools in health domain

To introduce our published paper in International Symposium on Spatial Lifecourse Health.

Improving obesogenic environmental assessments with advanced geospatial methods

This thesis explores the intricate connections between the envir- onment and obesity. It develops and applies advanced geospatial methods to enhance the assessment of obesogenic environments and obesity risks. Its primary objective is to evaluate …

Development of the frequently used environmental exposome observation tools in health domain

To introduce our published paper in Health Geography Youth Scholars Forum.

Bridging environment and human health, from earth observation to human-center observation

To introduce my research interest and some research on health geography.

Assessment of physical activity opportunities based on multi-source geospatial data

To introduce our published paper in 'Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics and Social Geographical Computing' session.

The frequently used built environmental auditing tools in the health domain

To introduce our published paper in 'Health Geography and Medicine Remote Sensing' session.

Street view imagery-based built environment auditing tools: a systematic review

we condcut a systematic review on street viewimagery-based built environmental auditing tools.