The Evaluation of Health Effect of Short-term Exposure to PM2.5 during Spring Festival: A Case Study of 25 Cities in the Yangtze River Delta(Chinese)

Using Tencent location based service data and machine learning mapping produced by multi-sources geospatial data to investigate the health risk of short-term exposure to PM2.5..

Investigating the Uncertainties Propagation Analysis of CO$_2$ Emissions Gridded Maps at the Urban Scale: A Case Study of Jinjiang City, China

Cities play an essential role in low-carbon development. However, Estimating CO$_2$ emissions at the urban scale, including both un-gridded (i.e., administrative unit maps) and gridded maps, cannot avoid the propagation of uncertainties from input to result, which highlights the importance of being aware of uncertainty estimation, especially in gridded maps due to its implications for the precision mitigation of CO$_2$ emissions. We proposed an analytic workflow to analyze the propagated uncertainties caused by the gridded model and the input for gridded CO$_2$ emission maps.

The Evaluation of Health Effect of Short-term Exposure to PM2.5 during Spring Festival: A Case Study of 25 Cities in the Yangtze River Delta(Chinese)

Using Tencent location based service data and machine learning mapping produced by multi-sources geospatial data to investigate the health risk of short-term exposure to PM2.5.

What is geography? From coronavirus disease 2019 to Bei Dou Systems

We just want to talk about what is geography and three laws of geography.

Spatial Lifecourse Health

Spatial Lifecourse Health was proposed by my supervisor, Prof.Peng Jia. This is the basic theory of My PhD project.

Creating a Carbon Source and Sink Map by Coupling an Ecological Process Model with an Emission Inventory to Study a Carbon Balance

Cities are typical sources of carbon and a focus of climate-change mitigation. Although there is great potential for reducing emissions in cities, constructing low-carbonemission cities under the carbon-emission reduction target of the 2016 Paris …

Improving the prediction accuracy of forest aboveground biomass benchmark map by integrating machine learning and spatial statistics

We present a low-cost method to create high-precision, spatially explicit reference maps of large-scale forest aboveground biomass (AGB) to provide a scientific basis for quantitative assessment of forest management decisions involving, for example, …

High-Resolution Mapping of Direct CO$_2$ Emissions and Uncertainties at the Urban Scale

This study gridded the CO$_2$ Emissions at the urban scale and quantified the uncertainties.

Landscape-Scale Simulation Analysis of Waterlogging and Sponge City Planning for a Central Urban Area in Fuzhou City, China

We want to know how the pattern of grassland and water influence the hydrological process of cities.

The Environmental Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5, A Case Study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration

This study analyzed the environmental effect of urban form on PM2.5 by multi-sources data.