Context-The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all sectors of society, with effects that have been acutely experienced at the local, national, regional, and global levels. Objectives-This study examined the heterogeneous impacts of and vulnerability to …
The “Scale effect” has always been the hot topic in landscape ecology research. Although, there are many studies on the driving force of urban environmental problems by using landscape metrics. Most studies are carried out in regional, continental and global scales. However, in this study, we explored the relationship between the urban form fragmentation and $CO_2$ emissions in the city scale from the perspective of dual resolution sizes and summarized the research conclusions that can be used in urban internal management based on the analysis results of small towns.
Cities are typical sources of carbon and a focus of climate-change mitigation. Although there is great potential for reducing emissions in cities, constructing low-carbonemission cities under the carbon-emission reduction target of the 2016 Paris …
In the new normal period of economic transition in China, The Government decision-making, which promoted the idea of people-oriented, came up with the concept of the Sponge City Using RS, GIS and multi-source open data, based on landscape scale, the …