List of News

  • Feb. 28, 2025: We published a paper entitled ‘Built environments and obesity: A framework considering residences, commute routes, and workplaces’. In this study, we introduced an innovative framework to explore the relationships between the built environment at various geographic contexts and obesity, including residences, commuting routes, and workplaces. This paper is now available on Cities.

  • Feb. 24, 2025: Shaoqing Dai was selected for Special Program for the Introduction of Overseas Postdoctoral Talents, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

  • Jan. 26, 2025: We published a paper entitled ‘Toward 3D hedonic price model for vertically developed cities using street view images and machine learning methods’. In this study, we proposed a novel 3D property valuation method using SVIs acquired from two angles, eye-level (pitch 0°) and sky-view (pitch 90°, upwards), and machine learning method to complete the 3D perspective and provide explainability of 3D HPM. We also compared different valuation models – namely Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), and Random Forest (RF) – using model performance metrics. Our main findings include, 1.3D variables are statistically significant, and adding them improves the model performance (R2 from 0.580 to 0.636 in GWR); 2.In the sky-view angle, the proportion of sky has a positive correlation while the presence of buildings and trees are negatively correlated with property values; 3.RF outperforms OLS and GWR with the highest $R^2$ (0.768) and the least RMSE (1669.60 $yuan/m^2$), which demonstrates its robust explainability and applicability for valuation. This study enriches the property valuation literature on the significance of the 3D variables and provides references to guide fair taxation and equal land use policy in vertically developed cities. This paper is now available on Habitat International.

  • Jan. 25, 2025: We published a paper entitled ‘Heterogeneous impacts of and vulnerabilities to the COVID-19 pandemic’. In this study, we examined the heterogeneous impacts of and vulnerability to COVID-19 for promoting urban sustainability and resilience. This paper is now available on Landscape Ecology.

  • Jan. 17, 2025: We publihsed a book entitled ‘health geography’ with China Higher Education Press.

  • Jan. 1, 2025: Shaoqing Dai started his new position as a key-funded Postdoctoral Researcher in Geography Postdoctoral Program, Schoolof Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University.

  • Dec. 10, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, as one of the lecturers of training course on ‘Spatial Epidemiology Analysis Mehtods and Applications’ hosted by China CDC, National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, gave a talk entitled ‘Applications of Remote Sensing technology in Public Health and Diseases Prevention’.

  • Nov. 28 - Dec.26, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, as one of the lecturers of ‘Health Geography’, gave three classes to postgraduate students.

  • Nov. 24, 2024: Shaoqing Dai became a co-convener of 2nd World Congress of Geography, ”Research on Global Health Wellbeing and Health Geography” session.

  • Nov. 7, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, as a special mentor, participated in the course explanation session of the “python x GIS” GeoAI workshop co-hosted by HeyWhale Community and GISphere.

  • Nov. 6, 2024: Shaoqing Dai went to Hubei CDC, along with Prof.Peng Jia, for discussions on the future plan of the cooperation project.

  • Oct. 29, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the second cooperation workshop jointly held by Wuhan University and Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., which was organized by the Academy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies at Wuhan University.

  • Oct. 14, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the cooperation workshop jointly held by Wuhan University and Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., which was organized by the Academy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies at Wuhan University.

  • July. 30, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the communication meeting between the Shandong Jiusan Society and the International Institute of Spatial Lifecourse Health.

  • July. 29, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, together with various participating researchers from the National Key Research and Development Plan, took part in the field research and inspection of the healthcare project of Chibi City Investment Group in Hubei Province.

  • July. 27-28, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, as one of co-convener of 4th International Symposium on Spatial Lifecourse Health, particularly for the “Application of System Simulation Models in Health Domain” session, along with Prof. Yan Li from Shanghai Jiaotong University, led the session and delivered a presentation entitled “Development of the frequently used built environmental auditing and simulation tools in health domain”.

  • July. 25-26, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, as one of the lecturers of the International Institute of Spatial Lifecourse Health Workshop, along with Prof. Jaime Hart from Harvard University, Associate Prof. Chen Chen, and Associate Prof. Chun Yin, will conduct a two - day training course on the concept of spatial epidemiology, causal inference, and the application of artificial intelligence in health geography.

  • July. 24, 2024: Shaoqing Dai, as one of the lecturers of ‘Health Geography’, gave a class to undergraduate students.

  • Jun. 14, 2024: Shaoqing Dai passed the Ph.D defence, and became a Ph.D. The topic of Ph.D thesis is “Improving obesogenic environmental assessment with advanced geospatial methods”.

  • Jun. 4, 2024: We published a paper entitled ‘Long-term exposure to $PM_{2.5}$ chemical constituents and diabesity: evidence from a multi-center cohort study in China’. In this study, we investigated the associations of long-term exposure to PM2.5 and its chemical constituents with the risks for diabesity, diabetes, and obesity. This paper is now available on The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific.

  • May. 25-26, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the 2024 Health Geography Youth Scholars Forum in Beijing Normal University(Zhuhai), GuangDong, and present the published study entitled ‘Development of the frequently used environmental exposome observation tools in health domain’.

  • May. 24, 2024: Shaoqing Dai was invited by Assistant Prof.Wufan Zhao to give a lecture entitled ‘Bridging environment and human health, from earth observation to human-center observation’ in AI 4D City lab, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).

  • May. 17-20, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the 9th Youth Geoscience Forum, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics and Social Geographical Computing’ session in Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, and present the published study entitled ‘Assessment of physical activity opportunities based on multi-source geospatial data’.

  • May. 10-12, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the 1st National Remote Sensing and Geographic conference, ‘Health Geography and Medicine Remote Sensing’ session in Nanjing University, and present the recent published study entitled ‘The frequently used built environmental auditing tools in the health domain’.

  • Apr. 11, 2024: We published a paper entitled ‘Street view imagery-based built environment auditing tools: a systematic review’. In this study, we reviewed 96 studies of BEA published before October 2023. The Google SVI was employed in 92.7% of the included studies. Manual processing of SVI was used in BEA in most studies (81.3%), while deep learning methods were mostly used in the remaining studies. Validated auditing tools were used in 71% of the studies. Streets were the most frequently audited objects (54.2%), followed by sidewalk (51%), traffic (49%), and land use (34.4%). The Active Neighborhood Checklist and Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes were the two most widely used SVI-based BEA tools. Several key areas for improving the accuracy and reliability of SVI-based BEA were identified: building standardized datasets of built environment features for more accurate auditing, combining multi-source SVI for more comprehensive assessments, and adapting auditing tools to the contexts in developing countries. This study would contribute to a deeper understanding of built environmental influences on health, and facilitate informed decision-making in urban planning and public health efforts. This paper is now available on International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

  • Apr. 7, 2024: We published a paper entitled ‘Spatiotemporal patterns of air pollutants over the epidemic course: a national study in China’. In this study, we developed a multi-output LightGBM approach to estimate monthly concentrations of the six major air pollutants (i.e., PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, O3, and CO) in China and revealed distinct spatiotemporal patterns for each pollutant over the epidemic’s course. This paper is now available on Remote Sensing.

  • Apr. 5, 2024: We published a perspective paper on state of the art of lifecourse cohort establishment. This paper is now available on China CDC Weekly.

  • Mar. 14, 2024: We published a paper on the utlizing a remote sensing ecological index (RSEI) to assess the eco-environmental quality of China from 2001 to 2021. This paper is now available on Remote Sensing.

  • Jan. 24, 2024: Shaoqing Dai attended the Initiating Meeting of National Key Research and Development Plan(2023YFC3604704) entitled ‘Evaluation and prevention of health risks in the community home environment for the elderly and children, and development of appropriate products’.

  • Jan. 17, 2024: Shaoqing Dai was invited to give a talks entitled ‘Health geography studies based on spatial lifecourse epidemiology framework’ in Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences by Associate Professor Shudi Zuo.

  • Jan. 5, 2024: Shaoqing Dai has been finished the Ph.D study in the Netherlands, and came back to China as a visiting scholar in Wuhan University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).

  • Dec. 5, 2023: We published a paper on the associations between mixed land use(MLU) and subjective well-being(SWB). We find that MLU has a negative and indirect association with SWB by decreasing social capital in residential neighborhoods, while it has a positive and indirect association with SWB by enhancing social capital in workplace neighborhoods with adjustments for other built environmental and sociodemographic attributes. This paper is now available on Travel Behaviour and Society.

  • Nov. 20, 2023: We published a paper on local carbon emission zone construction. This study constructed the local carbon emission zone (LCEZ) which links the highly urbanization morphology profiles and CO2 emission intensity to favor summarizing the form characteristics for the low CO$_2$ emission control in new communities. This paper is now available on Building and Environment.

  • Nov. 11, 2023: Shaoqing Dai has been awarded a certification letter announcing that he has fulfilled the academic requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree and plans to participate in the Ph.D. defense around June 14, 2024.

  • Nov. 08, 2023: We published a paper on a bikeability evaluation framework by combining the collected multi-source spatio-temporal geospatial big data. We propose a framework that comprises four sub-indices: safety, comfort, accessibility, and vitality. Utilizing open-source data, advanced deep neural networks, and GIS spatial analysis, the framework eliminates subjective evaluations and is more efficient and comprehensive than prior methods. The experimental results on Xiamen, China, demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework in identifying areas for improvement and enhancing cycling mobility. The proposed framework provides a structured approach for evaluating bikeability in different geographical contexts, making reproducing bikeability indices easier and more comprehensive to policymakers, transportation planners, and environmental decision-makers. This paper is now available on International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. The Wechat article is now abailable here.

  • Nov. 01, 2023: We published a paper on the development of age-sex-ethnicity-specific MetS score to redict future risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).We find that the weights of metabolic dysfunctions in the score vary across age-sex-ethnicity-specific subgroups, with higher weights for TG, HDL-C, and WC. Each unit increase in the score is associated with increased risks for hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and hypertension, and elevated levels of HbA1c, cholesterol, body mass index, and serum uric acid. The score shows high sensitivity and accuracy for detecting CVD-related risk factors and is validated in different geographical regions. Our study would advance early identification of CVD risks and, more broadly, preventive medicine and sustainable development goals. This paper is now available on Nature Communications. The Wechat article is now abailable here. The developed online shiny app could be used by clicking it.

  • May. 19, 2023: Shaoqing Dai was invitied to give a lecture entitled ‘Seeking your interest and going ahead will contribute to success’ in Xiamen No.1 High School of Fujian.

  • May. 5, 2023: Shaoqing Dai attended the 8th Young Scientist Forum of Earth Science, Wuhan University, China.

  • Apr. 7, 2023: Our patent entitled ‘A mixed-effect model for estimation of large area subtropical forest biomass’ was granted.

  • Mar. 24, 2023: Our patent entitled ‘Improving the accuracy of forest biomass estimate using source analysis and machine learning’ was granted.

  • Mar. 2, 2023: The spatil issue of Obesity Reviews was invited to attend the The Lancet Summit Childhood obesity: consequences across the life course. The abstract was published on The Lancet Global Health.

  • Feb. 22, 2023: Our paper entitled ‘Green space access in the neighbourhood and childhood obesity’ has been recognized as a top cited paper between January, 1, 2021 to December, 15, 2022.

  • Nov. 29, 2022: Our patent entitled ‘A forest inventory biomass estimation model by multisources data fusion’ was granted.

  • Nov. 2, 2022: We published a paper on the explanation of CO$_2$ emissions. This research uses remote sensing data and downscaling interpolation to generate residential and transport (RTCE) CO$_2$ emissions maps in 130 m spatial resolution of urban center regions from 31 major cities in China, then investigates the relationship between 3 types of urban form indicators (Internal characteristics, external morphology, and development intensity) and RTCE through Geographical Weighted Regression method. The results reveal that urban form indicators could explain about 45.9% of RTCE. This paper is now available on Journal of Cleaner Production. The news of this study is now abailable here.

  • Aug. 18, 2022: Shaoqing Dai attended the 29th International Conference on Geoinformatics in 2022 session 10-2 GIScience for Public Health and present the recent study entitled ‘Do neighborhood boundaries matter for examining the associations between environmental factors and obesity’.

  • July. 13, 2022: We published a paper on Global spreading of Omicron variant of COVID-19. This study has improved our awareness of the global distribution of Omicron. The findings can provide helpful information for deploying targeted epidemic preparedness for the subsequent COVID-19 variant and future epidemics. This paper is now available on Geospatial Health.

  • Mar. 27, 2022: Shaoqing Dai received the certificate of outstanding contributions to COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, from the health commission of Tumot Left Banner, Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

  • Mar. 8, 2022: We published a paper on GIS-based material stocks and flows analysis. This study identifies four important and complementary processes—construction, demolition, replacement, and maintenance, and integrates them into an improved framework to capture all material flows. This paper is now available on Journal of Industrial Ecology. The Wechat article is now abailable here.

  • Jan. 11, 2022: We published a paper on cancer biomarkers. Our results demonstrated the promise of blood copper signatures combined with machine learning as a versatile tool for cancer research and potential clinical application. This paper is now available on Chemical Science.

  • Nov. 30, 2021: We published a paper on plot-Level Model of Forest Biomass. Estimating the aboveground biomass (AGB) at the plot level plays a major role in connecting accurate single-tree AGB measurements to relatively difficult regional AGB estimates. However, AGB estimates at the plot level suffer from many uncertainties.The goal of this study is to determine whether combining machine learning with spatial statistics reduces the uncertainty of plot-level AGB estimates. This paper is now available on Forests. The Wechat article is now abailable here.

  • July. 3, 2021: We developed a comprehensive bikeability evaluation index based on multi-sources geospatial datasets and won the National 2nd prize in the 5th Planning Decision Support Model Design Contest(Chengyuan Cup). The result of this contest could see here.

  • May. 6, 2021: We published a forum paper on reverse of COVID-19. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic can cause reverse zoonoses (i.e., human–animal transmission of COVID-19). It is vital to utilize up-to-date methods to improve the control, management, and prevention of reverse zoonoses. Awareness of reverse zoonoses should be raised at both individual and regional/national levels for better protection of both humans and animals. This paper is now available on Trends in Ecology & Evolution. The Wechat article is now abailable here.

  • Apr. 24, 2021: We published a paper to proposes a systematic framework to obtain a gridded regional water security assessment, which reflects the regional natural resource, based on the index system derived from the Pressure-State-Response model and the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model. This paper is now available on Journal of Environmental Management.

  • Apr. 12, 2021: We published a commentary paper on the paper of COVID-19 modeling which published in Science. We highlighted the importance of modeling Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection. This paper is now available on Frontiers in Public Health.

  • Apr. 1, 2021: We developed a comprehensive bikeability evaluation index based on multi-sources geospatial datasets, took part in the Digital China Innovation Contest, DCIC 2021, and entered the finals. A list of teams that entered the finals could see here.

  • Mar. 2, 2021: We developed an aggregative downscaling model that fuses multiple large-scale spatial datasets to reconstruct the spatio-temporal dynamics mapping of steel stocks in mainland China at 1 × 1 km resolution from 1995-2015. Besides, we predicted the spatio-temporal dymacis mapping in 2030 considering different scenraios of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. This paper is now available on Journal of Cleaner Production. The Wechat article of this paper is now available here.

  • Feb. 4, 2021: Shaoqing Dai, as a PI, proposed the project ‘Investigating the Changes of Residents’ Daily Behaviors, Lifestyles, and Built Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic’ and was funded by WeSpace Academic Support Plan in 2020, ‘Tsinghua-Tencent’ Emerging Technologies Future Urban Space project.

  • Dec. 29, 2020: We used a self-defined r function namely ‘geodetector’ to calculate the impacts of hydrological factors on bacillary dysentery. This paper is now available on Science of The Total Environment.

  • Dec. 12, 2020: Shaoqing Dai was invitied to present the paper namely ‘The Evaluation of Health Effect of Short-term Exposure to PM2.5 during Spring Festival: A Case Study of 25 Cities in the Yangtze River Delta’ in the workshop workshop of 16th Spatial Behavior and Planning & Digitalization and Fine-Grained Governance. The slide is available on this url. The news of this workshop is available on this url.

  • Nov. 30, 2020: We published a paper of special issues ‘Integrating Remote Sensing and Urban Informatics’ in Remote Sensing, namely ‘Investigating the Uncertainties Propagation Analysis of CO$_2$ Emissions Gridded Maps at the Urban Scale: A Case Study of Jinjiang City, China’. This study proposed an analytic workflow to assess uncertainty propagation during the gridding process. Gridded CO$_2$ emission maps were produced using two resolutions of geospatial datasets (e.g., remote sensing satellite-derived products) for Jinjiang City, China, and a workflow was applied to analyze uncertainties. The workflow involved four submodules that can be used to evaluate the uncertainties of CO$_2$ emissions in gridded maps, caused by the gridded model and input. This paper is now available on Remote Sensing. The Chinese news of this paper is reported on this website.

  • Nov. 16, 2020: Shaoqing Dai passed his PhD qualifier at the Department of Earth Observation Science, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente.

  • Oct. 27, 2020: We published an invitied paper of special issues ‘Built Environment and Behavior Study’ in Shanghai Urban Planning Review, namely ‘The Evaluation of Health Effect of Short-term Exposure to PM2.5 during Spring Festival: A Case Study of 25 Cities in the Yangtze River Delta’. This paper used Tencent location based service data and machine learning mapping produced by multi-sources geospatial data to investigate the health risk of short-term exposure to PM2.5. This paper is now available on Shanghai Urban Planning Review. The Wechat article is now abailable here.

  • Oct. 14, 2020: Awesome of COVID-19 was receiving an invitation to participate in a volunteer study on open source software, which proposed by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich).

  • Aug. 9, 2020: We used a ‘corrplot’ r package to visualize the impacts of soil type and rice phenology on both syntrophic and methanogenic communities. This paper is now available on Journal of Cleaner Production.

  • Jun. 21, 2020: We used a ‘corrplot’ r package to visualize the correlation between heavy metal speciation and characteristics of industrial sludge and char samples. This paper is now available on Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis.

  • May. 12, 2020: Awesome of COVID-19 was indexed in the Aminer COVID-19 Open Datasets.

  • Apr. 27, 2020: I built up a website about COVID-19 studies, Awesome of COVID-19. This website was used for collecting all the resources of COVID-19 related studies and was powered by docsite. Besides, I developed a dashboard shiny app about COVID-19 map, COVID-19 shiny app.

  • Feb. 11, 2020: We published the dataset about CO$_2$ emisions and its impact factors in the Data in Brief. This Paper is now online on Data in Brief. The open dataset could download in this url

  • Jan. 06, 2020: Shaoqing Dai come to the Netherlands and begin his PhD study at the Department of Earth Observation Science, Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente.

  • Nov. 23, 2019: Shaoqing Dai joined the GeoDa Center, rgeoda, and libgeoda organizations.

  • Oct. 03, 2019: We published a paper namely ‘More fragmentized urban form more CO$_2$ emissions? A comprehensive relationship from the combination analysis across different scales’ in the Journal of Cleaner Production. In this study, we explored the relationship between the urban form fragmentation and $CO_2$ emissions in the city scale from the perspective of dual resolution sizes and summarized the research conclusions that can be used in urban internal management based on the analysis results of small towns. This paper is now online on Journal of Cleaner Production. The Chinese and Englisht news of this paper are reported on Chinese news and English news.

  • July. 21, 2019: We analyzed the influence of climate and land use/cover on water yield service by the case of Ningbo. This paper is now available on Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae.

  • July. 4, 2019: Shaoqing Dai graduated and earned his M.S. from Institute of Urban Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • May. 30, 2019: Shaoqing Dai have been awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship.

  • May. 21, 2019: Shaoqing Dai got the score of “Excellent” in the oral examination of graduation. The topic of thesis is “Creating a Carbon Source and Sink Map by Coupling an Ecological Process Model with an Emission Inventory to Study a Carbon Balance”.

  • Apr. 20, 2019: Shaoqing Dai obtainted the 1st Grade Scholarship of Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences and 2nd Grade Scholarship of Yonker Environmental Protection Scholarship.

  • Apr. 17, 2019: We constructed a GIS-based model to accurately estimate the large-scale PV power generation potential in China. This paper is now available on Applied Energy.

  • Feb. 1, 2019: The spatiotemporal distribution pattern of PM2.5 is influenced by many environmental factors, we analyzed the spatial distribution and variation characteristics of PM2.5 concentrations in the YRD from 2005–2015. This paper is now available on Atmosphere.

  • Jan. 12,2019: Shaoqing Dai obtainted the scientific and technological innovation award of outstanding graduate students of the Ecological Society of China in the 9th national symposium of young ecologist.

  • Nov. 20,2018: Shaoqing Dai obtainted the national scholarship for M.Sc.

  • Nov. 15,2018: We determine the mechanisms that influence the surface temperature of urban forest canopies by combining Remote Sensing methods, ground observations, and spatial statistical models. This paper is now available on Remote Sensing.

  • Oct. 28,2018: Shaoqing Dai, Weixu Yang and Jiajia Li won the national third prize in the 2th big data supports spatial plannning and design competition. More detailed information can see it.

  • Oct. 24,2018: We published a paper namely ‘Influence of Walking Environment on Robbery, Snatch and Theft Crime in Urban Area, H City, China’ in Scientia Geographica Sinca. We analyzed the impact of urban walking environment on robbery, snatch and theft crime (RST). Then we found the walking environment probably has a positive effect on the RST crime in H city, the greater walkability, the more RST. This paper is now available on Scientia Geographica Sinica. The Wechat article is now abailable here.

  • Oct. 4,2018: We determined the influence factors of heavy metal across the urbanization gradient and found that in the exurbs, the stronger interaction effects were observed between strong and weak factors. This paper is now available on International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

  • Sep.30, 2018: Shaoqing Dai, Weixu Yang and Jiajia Li attended the 2th big data supports spatial plannning and design competition and entered the finals. The topic of our work is “Parcel-Scale Identification of ecological-production-living spaces: a case of Ningbo city”. We will go to Fuzhou in 28th, October, 2018 and present our work.

  • Aug. 1, 2018: Shaoqing Dai attended the Applied Energy Summer School 2018 at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

  • May. 25,2018: Shaoqing Dai attended the 11th Chinese R Language Conference and presented the study of geographical detector at Renmin University, Beijing, China.

  • May.22, 2018: Shaoqing Dai attended the 13th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences(Spatial Accuracy 2018) and presented the study of high resolution carbon dioxide emissions mapping at China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.

  • May. 21, 2018: Shaoqing Dai attended the workshop of Machine Learning Algorithms for Spatial Data at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  • Mar. 26, 2018: The results by integrating forest management patches inventory, remote sensing and GIS indicated that the elevation and species had a significant effect on PM2.5 in urban forest. The interactions between the human activities and other ecological factors were the non-linear enhancement. This paper is now available on Remote Sensing.

  • Mar. 22, 2018: Shaoqing Dai won the the national winning award on 2017 “Sharing Cup” College Student Science and Technology Resource Sharing Service Innovation Contest.

  • Feb. 15, 2018: We used the panel data analyze the effects of command-and-control and market-oriented policy tools on China’s energy conservation and emissions reduction innovation. This Chinese paper published on China Populaiton, Resources and Environment

  • Dec. 27, 2017: We used the panel data analyze the effects of command-and-control and market-oriented policy tools on China’s energy conservation and emissions reduction innovation. This English paper published on Chinese Journal of Populaiton Resources and Environment

  • Dec. 16, 2017: We explored the relationship between the Carbon Dioxide Emission and fragmentation of urban functional landscape. The abstract and poster were accepted and showed at the American Geophysical Union(AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, America.

  • Dec. 4, 2017: Our work combines three research themes, urban waterlogging, landscape ecology, and data mining, for a deep analysis of the relationship between the NGI landscape and storm runoff in an urban environment. This paper published on International Low Impact Development Conference China 2016 : LID Applications in Sponge City Projects

  • Nov. 11, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the 9th Chinese Landscape Eoclogy workshop, Landscape Ecology and Urban Sustainability and presented the study of urban form and PM2.5 at Sanyuan hotel, Guangzhou, China.

  • Oct. 24, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the 15th User Conference of esri as a volunteer of expericence zone at Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China.

  • Oct. 16, 2017: Shaoqing Dai went to the nanjing university of information science & technology and learned the WRF model.

  • Sep. 28, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the 2rd urban environment long-term monitor and sustainable development workshop, The seminar of National Key Research and Development Plan and presented the study of the assement platform of urban forest ecosystem servcie based on InVEST model and IOT at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.

  • Jun. 8, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the Academic Week of Tsinghua Urban Planning and Design Institute 2017 at Tsinghua Tongheng 16th floor atrium, Beijing, China.

  • Jun. 3, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the 2017 BCL Annual Conference at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

  • May. 21, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the 10th Chinese R Language Conference at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

  • May. 15, 2017: Our poster about the relationship between the carbon dioxide emissions and fargmentation of urban functional landscape showed at the The 9th Lecture of Modern Ecology, Shanghai, China.

  • Apr. 8, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended the 10th Beijing Geographical Graduate Conference at Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  • Jan. 13, 2017: Shaoqing Dai attended courses of DSSAT model and remote sensing data assimilation by ZhongkeZihuan at Hongji hotel, Beijing, China.

  • Dec. 23, 2016: Shaoqing Dai attended the Christmas Salon of Sustainable City·Transportation as a volunteer at Hutong of Shi’s Family, Beijing, China.

  • Nov. 27,2016: Shaoqing Dai attended the Workshop of 12th Spatial Behavior and Planning & Spatial-Temporal Behavior and Social Planning Research and presented the study of crime geography at Beijing Union University, Beijing, China.

  • Oct. 12, 2016: Shaoqing Dai attended the 12th National Symposium of Biodiversity Science and Conservation as a volunteer at International Convention Center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  • Sep. 22, 2016: Shaoqing Dai attended the courses of Biome-BGC model by ZhongkeZihuan at Hongji hotel, Beijing, China.

  • Sep. 8, 2016: Shaoqing Dai attended the 14th User Conference of esri at Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China.

  • Aug. 26, 2016: We analyzed the survey of the safety of eletric bicycle as a volunteer of Green Bike-Transit.

  • July. 1, 2016: Shaoqing Dai attented the 10th annual conference of International Association of China Planning, Peking University, Beijing, China and presented at the smart city and big data workshop.

  • Jun. 26, 2016: Our poster of sponge city research presented at the 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.