Recent & Upcoming Talks


Exploring the impact factors of uncertainties for urban carbon dioxide, a case of Jinjiang, Quanzhou, China

To introduce the how to explore the impact factors of uncertainties for urban carbon dioxide.

Development of the frequently used built environmental auditing and simulation tools in health domain

To introduce our published paper in International Symposium on Spatial Lifecourse Health.

Development of the frequently used environmental exposome observation tools in health domain

To introduce our published paper in Health Geography Youth Scholars Forum.

Bridging environment and human health, from earth observation to human-center observation

To introduce my research interest and some research on health geography.

Assessment of physical activity opportunities based on multi-source geospatial data

To introduce our published paper in ‘Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics and Social Geographical Computing’ session.

The frequently used built environmental auditing tools in the health domain

To introduce our published paper in ‘Health Geography and Medicine Remote Sensing’ session.

Health geography studies based on spatial lifecourse epidemiology framework

To introduce some cases of my health geography studies.


Seeking your interest and going ahead will contribute to success

We just want to talk about how to become a academic scholar.


Do neighborhood boundaries matter for examining the associations between environmental factors and obesity

Using Gaode location based service data and travel time mapping produced by multi-sources geospatial data to investigate the effect of …


The Evaluation of Health Effect of Short-term Exposure to PM2.5 during Spring Festival: A Case Study of 25 Cities in the Yangtze River Delta(Chinese)

Using Tencent location based service data and machine learning mapping produced by multi-sources geospatial data to investigate the …

What is geography? From coronavirus disease 2019 to Bei Dou Systems

We just want to talk about what is geography and three laws of geography.


The Scale Effect, Zoning Effect of Geographical Features, the Modified Areal Unit Problem and the Chanlleges of Spatial Stastistics

The modified aureal unit problem(MAUP) is a traditional scientific problem in geography and ecology. How MAUP influence the results?

High-Resolution Mapping of Direct CO$_2$ Emissions and Uncertainties at the Urban Scale

This study gridded the CO$_2$ Emissions at the urban scale and quantified the uncertainties.


The Environmental Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5, A Case Study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration

This study analyzed the environmental effect of urban form on PM2.5 by multi-sources data.

The Assement Platform of Urban Forest Ecosystem Servcie Based on InVEST model and IOT

This study introduced the developed assement platform of urban forest ecosystem service based on InVEST model and IOT.


The Criminal Geographical Analysis about Walking Environment of Urban

This study used the CGT model, walk score, spatial statstics, and data mining to analyze the crime rate.

Transportation Planning of Smart City on the Basis of Data Augmentation Design Under the Perspective of Humanism, A Case Study of Fuzhou’S Cangshan District

This study took Fuzhou’s Cangsang district as the target area and used multi-sources datat to make a transportation plan based on data …